A világ legjobb túráösvényei

A legtöbb túra alkalmával csak békésen barangolunk az erdőben, és csendesen szemléljük a gyönyörű tájakat. De a következő túraútvonalak nem ilyenek, a világ legfurcsább és egyben legnehezebb terepeire visznek el bennünket, többek között – veszélyes magasságokba, kitörő vulkánokhoz, életveszélyes szakadékokhoz.

WHITE CANYON, UT - Canyoning through Black Hole with Doug Schnitzspahn, Cory Lowe, Dan Ransom

DCNDT5 Two walkers look out over Lakes Gjende and Bessvatnet from the descent of the Besseggen Ridge Jotunheimen National Park Norway

09/10/11  A group make their way round the most dangerous path in the world. The world’s most dangerous path, 100 metres up a vertical rock face, has now become child’s play after trip organisers ask that visitors to the crumbling path, need only to be ‘at least twelve years old’ and ‘to have a good head for heights’. Since a video, showing a walker filming himself crossing the path without using safety equipment went viral on YouTube, a number of unofficial tours have been set up to cater for hundreds of adrenalin junkies wanting to risk their lives crossing the dilapidated 110 year-old path in southern Spain before it is refurbished. El Caminito Del Rey, also known as the King's Pathway, was originally built in 1905 for workers to travel between two hydroelectric power plants but was closed-off in 2000 after two walkers fell to their deaths. The path snakes its way precariously along cliff edges high up in El Chorro Gorge, thirty miles from Malaga.  Much of the one-metre-wide walkway is crumbing away with gaping holes, no handrails and sections that have completely fallen down. A makeshift wire has now been attached to the rock face. Walkers and climbers can clip themselves to the wire to stay safe - but some still prefer not to use any safety aids. Work is now due to start on an 8.3 million euros project to make the pathway safe again and attract more tourists to the area. It will take three years to re-construct and will see the pathway completely rebuilt with hand rails, protective barriers, lighting and a visitors centre. One climber on the route last week said: “It’s a shame they’re going to fix the path – it will sanitise it too much and take the thrill out of it. It’s free for us to go on right now but I’m sure they’ll make us pay to use it in the future.” A commentator on sierra-nevada-news.com added: “I think the money could be put to better use elsewhere. On the positive side it will allow the general public access to the


My brother and I add just decided we would finally go to the Machu Picchu. The sun was finally out but we were out of water when we arrived at the bottom of the sacred Huayna Picchu mountain. We still decided we had to climb that mountain and do it the hard way so we could benefit from an even more amazing view. The slope was incredibly steep and it had rained so the steps were very slippery, but that unique view of the Sacred Valley was worth every effort!


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